ecclesiam suam造句


  1. In his inaugural encyclical " Ecclesiam Suam " ( section below ), the Pope called Mary the ideal of Christian perfection.
  2. A manuscript by him,'ad ecclesiam suam,'was said to be at Salzburg, and a volume of his letters at Strasburg.
  3. In " Ecclesiam suam ", Paul VI invited separated Churches to unity, stating that the continued papacy is essential for any unity, because without it, in the words of Jerome : " There would be as many schisms in the Church as there are priests . " In this encyclical, Paul VI attempted to present the Virgin Mary the ideal of Christian perfection.
  4. John XXIII argued this point, when he opened Vatican II, " The Council & wishes to transmit Catholic doctrine, whole and entire, without alteration or deviation . " Pope Paul VI, who in " Ecclesiam suam " had supported the interpretation of Pius XII, claimed also total identity of the old with the new : " There is no better comment to make than to say that this promulgation really changes nothing of the traditional doctrine.
  5. Then, after this manner of the litanies of the saints, a series of petitions occur, e . g . : " Per mundissimum virgineum partum tuum ab omni immundicia mentis et corporis liberet nos benedictus ventris tui fructus "; and farther on, " Ut ecclesiam suam sanctam pacificare, custodire, adunare et regere dignetur benedictus ventris tui fructus, ora mater virgo Maria . " The litany concludes with the " Agnus ", also amplified, " Agne dei, filius matris virginis Marie qui tollis peccata mundi, parce nobis Domine ", etc.
  6. It's difficult to find ecclesiam suam in a sentence. 用ecclesiam suam造句挺难的


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